Tinnitus (pronounced /tɪˈnaɪtəs/ or /ˈtɪnɪtəs/, from the Latin word for "ringing") is the perception of sound in the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound(s). Tinnitus is not a disease, just the ability to perceive sounds generated by the auditory (hearing) system, evidence of compensatory mechanisms that are part of its normal function. The problem is the distress created, not the type of sound.
Misophonia - dislike of environment sound(s). With or without tinnitus! Varies from 'chalk scratching on blackboard' to dislike of all sounds around you.
Phonophobia - fear of environmental sounds. Fear that they may damage hearing or make other symptoms worse...
Hyperacusis - over-amplification of environmental sounds in the auditory pathways. Everyday sounds seem too loud, but other people aren't complaining!


Ten Famous People Who Suffer from Tinnitus Symptoms  


Tinnitus is an extremely common condition which affects millions of people throughout the world.

Tinnitus symptoms vary in strength from mild to extremely debilitating anger - there is often a symptom of another underlying condition. One of the many reasons is the damage to the nerve endings in the inner ear.

Here 's a list of famous people who are victims of the condition to a certain extent.

  1. -by William Shatner a loud explosion on the set of Star Trek in the 1960s

  2. Eric Clapton - a common complaint with rock musicians

  3. Lemmy of Motorhead (a very loud rock band)

  4. David Letterman - host chat

  5. Leonard Nimnoy - Mr. Spock - even by the explosion of Star Trek series

  6. Stephanie Beacham - a patron of the Tinnitus Society of Great Briton

  7. Oscar Wilde - Irish playwright

  8. Dwight D. Eisenhower - the 34th President of the United States

  9. Sylvester Stallone - actor

  10. Barbara Streisand - Singer and actress

There is a very long list of rock musicians who suffer from the condition, including people like Bono of U2 and Pete Townsend of The Who. Which seems to confirm that some patients have their tinnitus symptoms caused by damage from loud music and noise - this should not be forgotten by young people in particular that too much loud music can actually damage the delicate nerve endings in the ear.

Although inner tinnitus is extremely common, there is no single definitive cure, but there are many treatments available that are effective for many tinnitus sufferers. It is amazing how many different causes and treatment options exist for tinnitus. My grandmother suffered from all sorts of ear problems throughout her life including tinnitus and tried many cures with success.


I've listed some information and resources on Tinnitus here on the following web page.

Tinnitus Symptoms


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Claire


Say No to Drug Therapy For Tinnitus  


If you heard the buzzing, chirping, whistling, whooshing, roaring, ticking, clicking or humming noise of your tinnitus, then you may have already researched many different treatment options.

Hopefully, you've seen your doctor first - so that any medical condition that can cause tinnitus. Chances are your tinnitus is "subjective", which means that the noise can be heard only by you and, medically, there is very little that can be done to the sounds, including medications that help tinnitus.

You see the type of Tinnitus that affects up to 50 million Americans through a variety of reasons, such as noise-induced hearing loss, stress and anxiety, high blood pressure, prescription and OTC drugs to name a few. And the non-medical treatments to alleviate the noise of tinnitus include stress-reduction therapy, white noise-generating machines and even changes in diet and lifestyle to promote a healthier body. Not every treatment is the same work for each person so that some experiments will be needed for good results.

There are even some prescription drugs that help tinnitus, unfortunately, no signs of a long-term cure. My thoughts - why the problem? All drugs strong enough to a medical disease have powerful side effects. Here are some of the drugs for the treatment of tinnitus and its side effects.

  • Xanex and other anti-drug sedatives. Xanex is used to treat panic disorders and anxiety problems. It was also shown to the severity and scope in a large percentage of tinnitus sufferers. It acts on the brain and central nervous system to create a calming effect, improving the actions of certain natural body chemicals (GABA). Xanex can also be habit-forming (addictive) and the drug looks abnormal behavior. If you suddenly stop taking Xanex, you seizures. Xanex is a very powerful mind-change drug with severe side effects.

  • cardiovascular system drugs. For most, if not all patients with subjective tinnitus, these types of drugs are a waste of time and money and have many serious side effects - too numerous to here. If you accidentally have pulsatile tinnitus, which usually target in nature, and is one of the rare types of tinnitus, which is sometimes treated. The problem arising from blood or increased blood flow turbulence in or near the ear ( "noisy" blood flow), pulsatile tinnitus can be increased blood flow in the carotid artery and jugular vein - both close to the inner ear. Treat high blood flow (high blood pressure, etc.), and if there is no physical Blutgefa near the ear anomaly, May improve your tinnitus.

  • anticonvulsant drugs. anticonvulsant drugs such as phenytoin (phenytoin drug), diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan), all drugs which are primarily used to prevent seizures (epilepsy). Side effects are major birth defects such as microcephaly (small head), deceleration of growth and deformities of the face and fingers known as anticonvulsant embryopathy.

With all new and exciting tinnitus remedies and treatments have been developed over the years, why your general health at risk by powerful drugs, mostly for other diseases, only the risk of some temporary relief for dangerous side effects. For me, the risk is not worth the benefit of the drugs that help tinnitus.


Do you suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus, a ringing in the ears? Even though your doctor may not be able to help you, there are plenty of amazing new ideas and exciting remedies for tinnitus. Learn more at http://www.HearingLossResearch.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Morton


5 Free Tips to Eliminate the Sounds of Tinnitus  


Did you know that one of the most common complaints is ringing in the ears? It's called "tinnitus, which is Latin and means" ringing ". "Subjective tinnitus," the most common form, by damage to the sensitive parts of the inner ear by loud noises (among others). And, unfortunately, conventional medical treatment for tinnitus is usually not a option.

Years before, tinnitus used to happen mainly to older people, people who had experienced a lifetime of noise. Now, with the advent of rock & roll music, super high-powered radios and mini-MP3 player and headphones, we see younger people suffer from this sometimes maddening ailment.

Men and women in their thirties and early forties are the Hearing buzzing, chirping, whistling, whooshing, roaring, ticking, clicking or humming noise that come and go without warning - usually remain. And these sounds, by the nature of each can not be heard alongside the tinnitus sufferer can with the normal rhythm of life.

While technically not a hearing loss, tinnitus can definitely suffering from lack of sleep, concentration and a whole series of other problems Caused by the ongoing treatment of tinnitus noise.

Medical offers very few options - if you are "lucky" enough to a physical illness such as wax structure, an infection or some other smaller ear-related illness, your doctor may be able to heal your tinnitus. But the majority of patients are not so lucky, because there are almost no conventional medical treatment for tinnitus.

But do not give up just yet - because there are opportunities for non-medical treatment for tinnitus that only alleviate or May, dare say , Cure your tinnitus. I'll show you 5 of them right here.

  • Get away from the noise! Stop the behavior causes your tinnitus in the first place. Keep EarBud headphones or low volume. Turn the music in your car. Wear earplugs at concerts or other commercial places where the noise is loud.

  • Clean your ears are. This is almost a no-beginner mode - go to your local drug store and buy an ear cleaning kit. They are cheap and if you have a wax build-up problem is the cause of your tinnitus, this will be a cure!

  • Some say that occasionally a piece of rubber-May to help pressure the ears (kind of like descending height in an airplane), which in turn will relieve tinnitus. It's worth a try.

  • taking aspirin. It is a medical fact that aspirin may be the cause for some cases of tinnitus.

  • Ask your doctor if any of your prescription medications, you may be causing your tinnitus.

  • Check your blood pressure. In rare cases, extremely high blood pressure can lead to a whooshing noise in the ears - similar to tinnitus. If yes, you get control of your blood pressure immediately.

Hopefully, this article has given you some hope that your tinnitus is treatable, even if there is no medical treatment for tinnitus options available. While not everyone reacts well to all unconventional treatments, the key here is to experiment - find out what works best for you.


Do you suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus, a ringing in the ears? Even though your doctor may not be able to help you, there are plenty of amazing new ideas and exciting new remedies for tinnitus. Learn more at http://www.HearingLossResearch.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Morton


Ear Ringing Tinnitus Solutions  


I wanted to talk to you about tinnitus ear rings and the solutions out there for people. Tinnitus is only one state in which you start hearing sounds ringing in the ears when it really is not any external sounds. It can be very annoying problem, because you can not really hide from him. It's just rings all the time. There are many people who suffer from this all age groups and there are many theories about what it means. Typically, the majority of the people they are from an older generation, which leads some to believe it comes with age. The good news is that ear rings tinnitus can solved.

I think it is important to understand where this comes from. Some believe it's an ear infection of some kind, but it is very likely that some loud noises caused the problem. It is very typical for war veterans to this problem. War is an extremely noisy environment, and it is not unusual for a soldier too close to an exploding shell or another explosion. Normally one of these to happen, there is a ringtone sound, never quite goes away.

The good news is that there is a solution for ear ringing tinnitus. The best way to explain it with an example. Have you ever read the newspaper and on television for background noise? Now, the method in this situation, all disturbing noises muffled by the television, but you also have the ability to ignore the television noise. You can train your brain to ignore the ringing sound, and it does not require expensive therapy either.


Learn more about the Tinnitus Cures.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elle_Nash


Tinnitus Therapy  


I'm here to talk about the different methods of tinnitus therapy. If you're unfamiliar with this concept, it is basically hearing sounds in the ear, not from external sources. Probably to hear what is a sound, ringing simply not go away. As you may guess, this is a very connected type of problem, because you can not really away from her. When a person regularly hears a nose they do not want to hear just plug their ears, and it is gone, but someone who tinnitus, they can not escape. Well, the good news is that tinnitus therapy, which can help you finally escape this problem.

I think it is important to examine why this problem happened. There are many different reasons why it could occur. It could be as simple as an ear infection or some structure of the ear wax. Often, it is the product of being exposed to very loud noises. Tinnitus is very common for people who were at war. The battlefield happens, the loudest place to be, and it is not unusual that an explosion happened near you. Typically after these events are, there is a ring left in the ears.

The good news is that tinnitus therapy can help you turn the ring. You know these kind of people who are in music or television, while they read. These people do that because they are like background noise. The reason it works is that all the noise blocks opposition sounds, and they can just ignore the television or music. The same applies in this therapy. You can train your brain to not listen to the ringing.


Learn more about the Cure For Tinnitus.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elle_Nash


The Cure For Tinnitus  


I wanted to take the time to talk to you about the treatment of tinnitus. If you're unfamiliar with this concept, it is simply the condition when people hear the ringing sounds in their ears than it actually is, not outwards. As you say, this is not a pleasant condition. It is something that you really can not run away or plug your ears to avoid. It follows you everywhere you go and that is why this is something that many people want to heal. There are several different methods for this, as some hard surgery and other natural. I'm going to share with you the cure for tinnitus.

I think it is best for the first time, educate you on how such a condition occurs. In some cases, the medical community is not sure why it happened, but in other cases, it is definitely known. The belief is that it occurs from an infection in the ear, psychological trauma and trauma. The physical trauma is probably the most common form. If you talk to war veterans, many of them have tinnitus. The reason is that the war loud. It is not unusual that a shell exploded close to you. It is loud and it can cause many of the physical trauma in the ears.

The cure for tinnitus, that I share with you, is completely normal. You may be one of those people that read the newspaper, with the television on. A lot of people refer to this as background noise. Well, your opinion is trained to ignore that sound (and many other sounds), you can actually concentrate on reading the paper. You can do the same for the ringing in your ears.


Learn more about the Cure For Tinnitus.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elle_Nash


Relief From Tinnitus - How Self Hypnosis Relieves Tinnitus  


You find relief from tinnitus, although there is no cure for the condition. Some approaches include stress reduction and biofeedback to help alleviate the symptoms. This condition usually do not cause pain in patients, but it can be very distracting.

This condition may arise from the outer ear, inner ear or middle ear. Ti can also arise from the brain. First relief of tinnitus is possible in a number of different forms, and it helps the symptoms and possible causes to determine what steps you want take.


Tinnitus is a constant noise that seems to stem cells in your head or ear. Some describe a swishing noise or ringing sounds that do not stop. And no one else heard the noise, which is typical for almost all cases. This is technically a symptom of a problem or condition. In extremely rare cases, the hearing problem is a symptom of an aneurysm or tumor.

The noise is abnormal and there are no sources outside the sounds. You hear disturbing noises from inside. You may be asked whether you are an audio grams, a formal diagnosis of the disease. You can also examine possible causes of sounds as well.

Possible causes

The body produces sounds from inside and usually this is a normal process should not worry. If all other sounds, you can usually hear physical sounds in the ear. Normally, pay no attention to these sounds, because there are so many other disturbing noises from them.

When ear is blocked or damaged in some way, you aware, these natural sounds. This is because some of distraction noises are no longer heard. There are some things that can lead to the sounds blocked.

A to foreign particles or excess wax can block out sounds, which normally conceal the physical noises you hear consistently. Infections and fluid build up can cause sounds blocked. Disease in the eardrum or the bones in the middle ear can also tinnitus. This hearing problem can also occur if you are exposed to loud noises on a regular basis.

relief of tinnitus

Biofeedback is a viable approach in dealing with the symptoms of tinnitus. This treatment of this problem hearing uses a monitor that measures patterns of thinking in the head of the patient through electrodes. This process helps patients become aware of how his body and mind reacts to different stimuls.

The purpose of biofeedback is to give patients become aware of the subconscious automatic replies. This approach is easily supplemented by self-hypnosis, a graeres awareness and new thinking patterns. You can relief from tinnitus by a change in your focus.


J. Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. An excellent self hypnosis recording for tinnitus can be found by clicking here - Relief From Tinnitus. 'Relief From Tinnitus' is a recording by Duncan McColl, based on his decades of experience in powerful and classical clinical therapy. A huge range of self hypnosis recordings can be seen at Self Help Recordings and you can find out more about these by clicking here - Hypnosis MP3. All of these recordings carry a sixty day guarantee, so to find out more simply click on the links.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J_Seymour


Medical Treatment For Tinnitus and a New Hope  


Many people think that there is no cure or medical treatment for tinnitus, but a recent breakthrough could prove the contrary. If you suffer from tinnitus then this new solution could only be the one you were looking for.

* What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition where a person listens "ringing in one ear's sound despite all the actual sound is in the area. People with tinnitus often complain about noise ringing in the ears of all the other noise drowns, it is often very unpleasant. This type of ringing is often compared to transient ear rings, but tinnitus is a chronic and persistent ringing can also take the form of roaring, hissing or reputation in some cases.

* How widespread is tinnitus?

It is estimated by the American Tinnitus Association, more than 52 million people in the United States have tinnitus and for about 15 million of them, the symptoms are severe enough to get medical treatment. And an estimated 3 million people have a very serious case of tinnitus, inhibits them from day to day activities such as school or their employment.

* How can tinnitus?

Older people are more likely to get tinnitus than others, but there have been cases of children below the age of 14. Mostly, tinnitus can happen on the basis of age related hearing loss or nerve damage in the ear, this is the reason why it is most common in older people. Younger people can tinnitus, by their ears to sudden loud noises and that can damage the ear. Tinnitus can also occur due ebermaigen ear wax buildup, use of certain drugs, sinus infections, trauma to the lower head or neck area or medical conditions like high blood pressure, thyroid and diabetes.

* Traditional medical treatment for tinnitus

Tinnitus used are conceived as a purely psychological condition, but no more. Once tinnitus was recognised that a medical condition, modern medicine has developed with prescription drugs, stress and anxiety treatment and in some extreme conditions even surgery.

Typical drugs use to cure and treat tinnitus were anti-depressant drugs such as Xanax, antihistamines reduce that allergies and hearts of some drugs. There were also some breakthroughs in homeopathic remedies that some say to help. For those people who do not like to take traditional medicines, homeopathic remedies is an alternative option.

* New breakthrough treatment of tinnitus: Neuromonics

A new treatment option for tinnitus has just been through the medical community which may give new hope for people who have tried other drugs and medicines and still suffer. This new therapy is as Neuromonics or sound-masking, as well. The concept of Neuromonics is simple. Low noise in the ear earphones or through a handset, which is comparable with static noise, with the intension of distraction of patients. It is hoped that this new sound is less angry and more reassuring to the person and with time, we will drown the noise more annoying tinnitus. Although this is not for everyone, with continued use and a bit of getting used to, scientists believe that the brain will eventually "mask" the annoying sounds of tinnitus and select it out perception.

Neuromonics treatment via a portable electronic device called the Oasis (TM). After the patients have a number of hearing tests, masking sounds are tailored to that patient and loaded on the Oasis. The patients have participated in studies have reported that they sleep better and even day to day tasks better than they have been able do.

Once a patient has been administered Neuromonics treatment for a while, masking the sound is reduced for short periods of time to let the tinnitus sound. This is done so that the brain is exposed to the two alternately, and sounds gradually get used to and up to date with the relaxing sound masking. The goal is to train the brain to completely ignore the annoying ringing sounds and a relaxing used masking sound.

Although retraining could be done successfully, the results could be short as the brain may be accustomed to the tinnitus noise mask once sounds are disabled . Therefore, doctors recommend Neuromonics used once or twice a week for 2 to 3 hours at a time to review the effectiveness of treatment.


To read other helpful information including "11 Proven Techniques To Cure Tinnitus" please visit Khemal's newest lens at: http://www.squidoo.com/medical-treatment-for-tinnitus

You'll find a wealth of information on Tinnitus and a surprise cure found in your own home!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Khemal_Dole


Preventing Tinnitus and Bad Genetics  


You can prevent tinnitus by steps and precautions, especially if you have bad genetics. It is much easier to prevent tinnitus, as it tries to heal. The first step in the prevention of tinnitus is to avoid exposure to loud noises to avoid together with head and neck trauma. If you know you are exposed to loud noises or high frequencies should be arrangements for the protection of the hearing. If you already have tinnitus should precautions to protect the hearing because it is possible that your tinnitus can get worse. Precautions must wear protective clothing earplugs and earmuffs. It is best to avoid places that you probably know loud noises such as concerts and clubs. In the event that you have forgotten to bring your hearing protection does not try to improvise with wadded up tissues or cotton balls. These are not effectively protect your hearing and have the potential to be in your ear.

Younger and younger cases of tinnitus are reported, and it was presumed that this is due to the use of iPods ebermaigen. Do not be discouraged from using an iPod only avoid increasing the volume so loud to the extent that other people around you can hear. You can also prevent the disappearance of tinnitus alcohol and caffeine drinks, from your diet along with smoking and tobacco products. Nicotine and tobacco can cause tinnitus by reducing blood circulation to the structure of your ears. If you already have tinnitus is proposed that reside in a healthy weight range can help reduce or even stop the ringing in the ears. Statistics and seen it has shown that tinnitus occurs more frequently in obese adults. Getting your daily amount of vitamins can also significantly reduce your chance of tinnitus. In particular, sufficient vitamin B12 in your diet by milk, milk products, meat and eggs.

There are easier ways to heal your tinnitus. According to the latest progress in science is proposed that tinnitus can be treated in the comfort of your own home remedies at home. Very few people know about these remedies, but for those who do, it's proved to be very effective in the treatment of mild to serious cases of tinnitus. These techniques are fast, cheap and require only a few minutes per day. You can clearly tinnitus within a week and have even been proved to be more effective than the most prescribed medications.


Learn the proven techniques used to cure tinnitus. Stop the ringing from the comfort of your own home. To learn more about the home methods used in curing tinnitus visit us at the following link. Techniques For Curing Tinnitus

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_Grecko


How to Treat Tinnitus - Tinnitus Treatment Options  


Tinnitus is very common among many people. We will meet to be treated as tinnitus tinnitus and treatment options that you have. We are used to cover the most common treatments, which work or not. Two of the treatments to work, while an option, but seems promising, is a last resort treatment, which is not always work.

We will be used to cover the three common treatment of tinnitus. The first option that many of them have success with hypnosis. A second option is a natural treatment that most people have much success. The last option, there is no evidence that more work for tinnitus, is surgery.

Hypnosis is a very common treatment for many diseases including tinnitus. Tinnitus can be a lot of noise and sinus pressure. Hypnosis is known to help get rid of the ringing in the ears and effectively to prevent them coming back. It is about listening to music that is designed to get rid of the tinnitus complete. I have not tried this method personally, but have read many good things about it.

The second option, which is my favorite, and those who worked for me, is a natural treatment, you options. All natural treatments, as opposed to drugs and surgery, have no side effects and no risk. They are very inexpensive to implement, so that you do not, a large amount of money for medical bills. I ask that you a natural treatment before a trial, including in hard drugs or surgery (see more) .

The last of the three options is surgery. I recommend you to all other efforts before the test even surgery. Surgery should only be necessary to remove scar tissue, if you have enough to cause a problem. Surgery can not solve, the damaged nerve as other treatments. Surgery also comes with all kinds of risks and side effects. I ask that you try a natural treatment before it under the knife.

If They are really serious and want to know how to treat tinnitus course, a natural treatment out. They have nothing to lose, except for the annoying ringing sound.


Did you know that most people with Tinnitus don't even realize that there is a treatment available? Find out How to Treat Tinnitus Here!

How to Treat Tinnitus - The All Natural Remedy

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Mehan