Tinnitus (pronounced /tɪˈnaɪtəs/ or /ˈtɪnɪtəs/, from the Latin word for "ringing") is the perception of sound in the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound(s). Tinnitus is not a disease, just the ability to perceive sounds generated by the auditory (hearing) system, evidence of compensatory mechanisms that are part of its normal function. The problem is the distress created, not the type of sound.
Misophonia - dislike of environment sound(s). With or without tinnitus! Varies from 'chalk scratching on blackboard' to dislike of all sounds around you.
Phonophobia - fear of environmental sounds. Fear that they may damage hearing or make other symptoms worse...
Hyperacusis - over-amplification of environmental sounds in the auditory pathways. Everyday sounds seem too loud, but other people aren't complaining!


Exciting New Tinnitus Home Remedies  


If you are not "lucky" enough to make your tinnitus by some kind of a treatable disease, then you are one of the nearly 50 million in the U.S., has tinnitus at some point in his or her life.

By now, you probably already know that there is not much your doctor can do for you, if some underlying disease was never found. Oh sure, he can give you some pills with ingredients Tocainid, carbamazepine or gabapentin in them. But all of them have no history of a long-term success for the reduction of tinnitus. There is also no scientific evidence that antidepressants, Transcranial magnetic stimulation or retraining therapy have a positive impact.

So, where is a tinnitus sufferer to the quest for liberation? It is possible that up to 10 million in the USA have tinnitus so severe that it disrupts their daily (and nightly) activities to the point that life is not only a lot of fun sometimes.

Tinnitus home remedies have begun to itself as the leading treatments for the symptoms of tinnitus - whooshing, whistling, roaring noises expect from your ear. I am not talking about vitamin pills masquerading tinnitus healing or other forms of quackery - I believe that although there is no cure for tinnitus, there are definitely ways that your tinnitus more bearable, and at least one non-critical part of your life. I will say a few here.

  • natural herbs and spices. Although the plant Ginkgo biloba, is probably one of the most over-used and over-hyped therapies for diseases from baldness inadequate sexual function, some non-scientific studies have shown that when the tinnitus suffering is of the opinion that the Ginkgo -biloba will help his symptoms, the symptoms often clear fall! A classic example of the power of suggestion! And do not forget, in addition to ginkgo biloba, some pill-artists claim that their mishmash of chelated zinc and deodorized garlic, if they have 3-4 months (at a price of nearly $ 175!) Will make a difference . Tinnitus home remedies come in all shapes and sizes - and prices!

  • Wow - the next home remedy for tinnitus is a doozy - read on. Vacha (Acorus calamus) oil can have a powerful effect in resting and balancing the Prana Vata (functions in the head-neck-chest region), which can cause tinnitus. A sesame oil, which is cooked the Calamus Root is in the nose, five drops per nostril, morning and evening. The sesame-oil mixture (Nasya) should be warmed to body temperature before use. As a child, my mother to the warm oil to body temperature with a syringe and fills my ears with an earache with hot oil for 15-20 minutes. This can not be healed the ear hurts, but it sure felt good - like the "Nasya" feel! That sounds like Tinnitus home remedies from India!

Well, sure, we ask you, the above ideas with a grain of salt, because there is absolutely no scientific evidence that either proposal is a benefit for tinnitus patients. In fact, it can do more harm than good if the herbs are used which are about - there is certainly evidence that ginkgo biloba can be harmful in high doses. But when it comes to tinnitus home remedies, always remember that if you think it can work for you, then there can be only a few relief organizations (regardless of whether there is a positive scientific evidence at all).


Do you suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus, a ringing in the ears? Even though your doctor may not be able to help you, there are plenty of amazing new ideas and exciting remedies for tinnitus. Learn more at http://www.HearingLossResearch.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Morton


Cure Ringing Ears - Here Are Some Reasons You May Have Tinnitus and What You Can Do About It  


I'm sure you or someone that you know is suffering from tinnitus. If you have a constant ringing in the ear or sums, then you may have the condition, while they themselves are doing their best, most doctors are still not a solution to cure ringing ears. Below is a list of reasons you may have been affected by tinnitus.

Tinnitus often affects those under loud noises over a certain period. Many musicians who have spent years creating, in the amplifier to do with tinnitus.

If you are in the construction, there's a good chance that you already very noisy machines for most of your career. The constant banging and hammering is really a toll on your inner ear after a while.

Another reason you may suffer from tinnitus listen to your MP3 player too loud. Most of us, when we young people really crank up the headphones. The problem is that some really great damage to the ears.

The first thing you need to do is either to remove themselves from the loud noises! Is this not an option, as the next best thing you can do is you a set of earplugs. Now is not a cure ears ringing, but there will always be worse.

Due to the fact that doctors only no cure ringing ears luck, the best treatment at home remedies. These measures have been a long time and have very successful results. The reason the doctors are trying so hard to make it rhyme, because they get paid for every prescription they write.


If you are suffering from tinnitus here is my #1 recommended remedy. This solution is guaranteed to stop the ringing in your ears, and to give you piece of mind that it will not return.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_L._Patterson


Cure Ringing Ears - Doctors Are Still Ignorant on How to Properly Treat Tinnitus  


There is no easy way to explain why you have sound in the ears. You could sum, ringing, hissing and other sounds. Citizens to deal with this turbulence have their whole lives destroyed. The more you understand the reasons for ringing in the ears or tinnitus, the better you can deal with ringing ears heal.

There is such a different amounts of noise that you hear when you develop tinnitus. Many doctors try to cure ringing ears can be very ignorant of what caused it. This is an incredibly mysterious disorder.

Currently there is a known reason why tinnitus occurs. If people to excessive noise all the time, it seems that these noises appear. You can listen to your portable music device, too loud, you could wear headphones, which are very dangerous if they are too loud, you could in an environment in which it is constantly machines.

Do not get in trouble, you do not have to quit your job. Everything you need to do is go and buy some earplugs to use at work. You will have to try to cover all of the excessive noise in your environment, to the ringing in the ear, which must be fulfilled or reduced.

While the above measures to prevent the problem getting worse, it will not heal ears ringing. However, there are many home remedies that guaranteed results. Since the doctors are still a mystery to solve, as this condition, this means you can save much time and money.


If you are suffering from tinnitus here is my #1 recommended remedy This solution is guaranteed to cure ringing ears and to give you piece of mind that it will not return.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_L._Patterson


Clear Tinnitus - Conditions, Causes and Treatments  


First, you can use your ears tinnitus. This article brings some of the possibilities for the treatment of tinnitus, so you can then finally happening.

Tinnitus is a condition in which you see a constant ringing in the ears. You can also experience with headaches and dizziness is. The condition is not life, it's just very annoying. I have a fan on my night stand in the night when I sleep a little noise.

The causes of tinnitus are very different. Loud noises, ear infections, mineral deficiencies, high blood pressure and stress are just some of the most frequent contributors of tinnitus. The thing about tinnitus is that it is really a symptom of another underlying disease or illness, so that treatment can be hit or miss.

ENT doctors and this is one of the methods for tinnitus. The first is steroids. Steroids are thought to relieve ear ringing, but have a very low success rate. The second method is surgery. Surgery is a viable option if your tinnitus is serious enough to bring such aggressive measures.

less stress is a proven method to tinnitus. A lot of time, tinnitus is stress. Reducing the effects of tinnitus on the ears.

My nature is to provide a system of methods and techniques to tinnitus. It needs some work, but this type of therapy works for almost all forms of mild to moderate tinnitus, and has a huge success rate.


If you are sick and tired of the ringing ears and want to cure it TODAY, visit my Clear Tinnitus site to get information on a proven system that will get rid of your tinnitus for good.

Or, visit my tinnitus blog at http://www.tinnitusear.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Murphy


Help For Tinnitus  


I wanted to give you some help with tinnitus. This is a hard condition to live with because you really can not escape it. That is, if you suffer from ringing in the ears, not from an external source. If you try to sleep or eat breakfast, you can hear the bells. As you may guess, a rather annoying and frustrating, what to do. The medical community has not really a solution to this problem. However, they have the operation on the ears, you really deaf. I think the smart, what should be done is a real natural solution that would help for tinnitus.

The reason why this happens, people will usually not known. There are several theories about why it is happening with people, and it only consensus on one thing, noise. If you are exposed to loud noise for a long time, you have ringing in the ear. It may only be temporary, but sometimes it will not disappear. It is very common for a person who is at war and in the struggle for tinnitus. War is an extremely loud and it is very hard on the ears.

If you need help for tinnitus, there is a certain type of therapy that works quite well. I am sure you read the newspaper while on the radio. If we find that our minds and totally ignore the music, we concentrate fully on the newspaper. The same idea works here. You can train your mind to ignore the ringing.

The key is to concentrate. Try reading a book or newspaper, and only to the words. This is everything you want to see. At first, this is not all the results, but as you continue to do it every day, you will notice, it will show signs of help for tinnitus symptoms. Finally, the ringing off and disappear, as your mind trained to ignore.


Learn more about the Tinnitus Cures.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elle_Nash


Stopping the Ringing in Your Ears - Tinnitus Can Be Cured If Your Willing to Change Some Things  


for a constant ringing, sums or hum in the ears is tinnitus. It is very annoying and may improve the quality of your life. What is more important: You want to know how this problem. I'm going to explain to you several ways to prevent and get rid of this condition.

Some people suffer from this continuously over a long period and some are only for this short period, on and off. If you start this during the short time that is a warning you that the problem will likely exist in the future.

Currently, there are numerous causes for this situation. For example, at approximately constant loud noise is the most popular cause. You may tend to listen to your music really loud, you can work where the machine is very noisy all day long, or you can go to a concert and then indicate that you have a ringing in the ears.

To get rid of the ringing or humming in the ear, you have to these loud noises. As for the music or wearing earplugs are a way to do that.

Long periods of exposure may be the fragile part of your ear. You can also partially deaf, if you continue to let this happen.

tinnitus is treatable, if you know where to start. Many people are just trying to live with, but after a while, but it can really drive you crazy.


If you are suffering from tinnitus here is my #1 recommended remedy. This solution is guaranteed to stop the ringing in your ears, and to give you piece of mind that it will not return.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_L._Patterson

Tinnitus - Is This Ringing in My Ear a Disease and Can Others Hear What I Am Hearing?  


Tinnitus is a common problem, which has one of five people. It is actually a symptom that is reflected by the person to hear noises or ringing in the ear when there is no external noise or sound present.

tinnitus symptoms are not just ringing in the ear, but can also be heard, such as:

? Whistle

? Totals

? Roaring

? Click

? Pulsing

? Ocean Waves

? Select tones

The sound can be found in the pitch of low to high, can sing, sound or multi-tone in one ear or both and can be constant or intermittent pulse.

There are two classifications of tinnitus:

subjective - that is the most common symptom that is a form of audible only to the person. This symptom is especially thought to be in 80 percent of people who suffer from sensorineural hearing loss.

goal - especially in connection with vascular or muscular disorders and refers to less than 5 percent of tinnitus cases. Unlike Subjective tinnitus, this symptom is inaudible to your doctor, and is often referred to as pulsatile, or persons that are synchronized with the heartbeat.

Although the severity of tinnitus symptoms may vary, the annoying ringing in the ears can also cause sleep disturbances, loss of concentration, depression and anxiety.

that tinnitus is not a state, but a symptom of another health problem, it is recommended that a doctor should be consulted in order may be the cause. Some treatments that are recommended are noise reduction devices and drugs.

In addition, there is now a tinnitus natural remedies available, and can even ringing in the ear. For more information about this fantastic new development Click Here!


Take the next step to stop ringing in ear!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grace_Morris


Do You Have Constant Ringing in Your Ears? - There Could Be Multiple Reasons You Have Tinnitus  


There are many conditions that lead to the ears ring. Their existence can be twisted around by this action. Totals in the ears can be very annoying and disturbing. They can not, because of all the noise. This situation is particularly evident in the people who are in middle age.

A frequent cause of ringing in the ears, are in an environment that the loud noises. You may have to work in a place that has constantly loud noises. You can also play your iPod or CD player is too loud. Loud noises can ultimately destroy the very fragile parts of the ear canal. Most people believe that the noise is too loud, that this is happening, but on the contrary, you have only a moderate amount of noise over long periods.

also certain types of medications can cause this disease. Some people believe that aspirin over a period of time can cause this. If you have a new drug and you have ringing in the ears, please talk to your doctor and perhaps you can write them to a different type of medication.

Now that you know the causes of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, you can treat effectively. You must remove yourself from unnecessary noise in your life. This can significantly the chance that the ringing of the ear. Moreover, by the hand, the herbal and other natural remedies that can help with this condition.


If you are suffering from tinnitus here is my #1 recommended remedy. This solution is guaranteed to stop the ringing in your ears, and to give you piece of mind that it will not return.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_L._Patterson


Pulsatile Tinnitus - What Causes This Tinnitus Type?  


pulsatile tinnitus is a rhythmical noise that beats in time with your pulse. It can be single or multiple rhythmic beats to hear that a low pitch thumping or booming sound, or a higher pitch clicking noise.

During pulsatile tinnitus is not a form of tinnitus, it has several known causes such as hypertension, heart-noise, glomus (globe-shaped) tumor, Eustachian tube disorder, or a deviation from a vein or artery. In most cases, pulsatile tinnitus can be treated effectively.

pulsatile tinnitus is characterized by a change in blood flow in the large arteries and veins in the neck to the skull, or the smaller blood vessels in the ear.

blood flow may be replaced by a variety of factors, including:

generally increases the blood flow throughout the body, during strenuous exercise or can be severe anemia.

Localized increased blood flow can occur when a blood vessel is narrower than it should be. This leads to the need for the surrounding blood vessels to provide additional blood. The additional flow generates noise and can pulsatile tinnitus.

Turbulent blood flow occurs when the blood vessel is within a constricted (hardening of the arteries) and blood flow is erratic and not smooth.

If pulsatile tinnitus is suspected, additional tests may be requested to activate the blood vessels and the pressure in the head. Patients with pulsatile tinnitus usually under some form of medical imaging such as ultrasound, CT scanning, magnetic resonance scan (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or angiography.

Possible causes of pulsatile tinnitus include:

  • Arteriovenous malformations (Audiovisual Media) - abnormal group of arteries and veins, within the cranial cavity near the auditory nerve.

  • carotid artery-cavernous sinus fistula - abnormal connection between a large artery and venous pool in the cranial cavity, usually the result of severe head injuries.

  • Chronic inflammation and /or infection of the middle ear. Chronic inflammation is almost always accompanied by increased blood flow to the inflamed tissue. Since these tissues in the ear, some people are able to hear the increased blood flow.

  • middle ear fluid. The middle ear is usually an air-filled room. If an infection or inflammation occurs, or is there Eustachian tube dysfunction, fluid will accumulate behind the middle ear, the pulsatile tinnitus.

  • Vascular tumors in the middle ear - commonly referred to as glomus (globe-shaped) tumors or paragangliomas. Surgery is the fix for this problem.

  • pulsatile tinnitus will also occurs when a reduction or a partial blockage of arteries, by an atheroma is a fatty deposit in the inner arterial wall, which impede the blood flow and is characterized by a high degree of cholesterol in the body.
pulsatile tinnitus can be treated?

Treatment of pulsatile tinnitus is related to the specific cause. For example, high blood pressure can be with medication and blocked or narrowed arteries can be surgically repaired.

lowering of cholesterol in the blood will also help to reduce the amount of pulsatile tinnitus.

pulsatile tinnitus treatment of the rule with a multidisciplinary approach and contains a variety of symptom management methods. The majority of patients with pulsatile tinnitus be treated with standard methods of tinnitus treatments including medication, alternative treatments, biofeedback and sound and /or relaxation therapy.


Tinnitus experts John and Ellen Currie have been helping pulsatile tinnitus sufferers from their tinnitus related website http://www.t-gone.com since 1999. Download a free report that details hundreds of prescription drugs that actually list tinnitus as a side effect from their website now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Currie