Tinnitus (pronounced /tɪˈnaɪtəs/ or /ˈtɪnɪtəs/, from the Latin word for "ringing") is the perception of sound in the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound(s). Tinnitus is not a disease, just the ability to perceive sounds generated by the auditory (hearing) system, evidence of compensatory mechanisms that are part of its normal function. The problem is the distress created, not the type of sound.
Misophonia - dislike of environment sound(s). With or without tinnitus! Varies from 'chalk scratching on blackboard' to dislike of all sounds around you.
Phonophobia - fear of environmental sounds. Fear that they may damage hearing or make other symptoms worse...
Hyperacusis - over-amplification of environmental sounds in the auditory pathways. Everyday sounds seem too loud, but other people aren't complaining!


Stop Ringing in Ear  


It may be surprising to find that more than 60 million people in America suffer from ringing in the ears or tinnitus. What's more surprising is that many people do not know that it is a specific disease. Some of them realize that something is wrong, but they are not aware that there is a real name for her condition. That is the reason why it can be shocking for them as they discover that tinnitus can be the cause of their numerous symptoms and complaints.

who suspects that he or she can tinnitus, but not yet diagnosed, probably is trying to finally find out the cause of the ringing in the ear. Others have been told by doctors that they may have tinnitus, but they are not sure what that means.

First it is important that the symptoms of tinnitus, to ensure that if you use this disease or not. The following is the list of symptoms that can be used in conjunction with ringing in the ear.

The physical symptoms may include:

? Sleep disorders

? Muscle tension

? Asthma or shortness of breath

? Back, shoulder and neck pain

? Tension headache or migraine

? irregular heartbeat, palpitations

? Periodontal disease, jaw pain

? Constipation, diarrhea

? Problems of the skin (hives, eczema, psoriasis, tics, itching)

? Fatigue

? High blood pressure

? Chest pain

? cold hands or feet.

The symptoms can be emotional and

? Nervousness, anxiety

? Memory Problems

? About reactions

? Depression, moodiness

? Irritability, frustration

? Difficulty thinking clearly

? Lack of concentration

? Feeling of control

? Phobias.

You can use different types of tinnitus treatment from time to time. Although there is a great cure for this disease, you must be aware that the cause of it needs to be addressed first.

Here, I would consider one of the main causes of tinnitus - high load. Reducing the stress in your life really can improve the immune system, your body more resistant to diseases. In addition, you will feel better and healthier. Different methods use different ways to reduce stress. You need to choose the one for your situation and personality of the best way. However, the following are general guidelines to significantly reduce your stress level that can help you to stop ringing in the ear.

If something bothers you, remove yourself from the situation.

avoid negative people.

Take 10 deep breaths through the nose and the mouth.

enough time for fun.

enough sleep.

Eating a healthy diet.

Exercise regularly.


No matter what way of treatment you chose it is very important to eliminate the root cause of tinnitus. The actual treatment itself is the following step. Learn more abut how you can stop ringing in ear and its cause.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aurelio_Schwald


Ringing in Ear? - Why Do You Have it and Why Can't Anyone Else Hear It?  


If you hear ringing in the ear, it is very likely, tinnitus. Tinnitus is the noise, pulsating, or ringing in the ear, if there is no external cause. This can be very annoying for some people, but for others, they can be life changing. If you suffer from ringing in the ear, you are not alone. There are approximately 12 million people in the United States alone that suffer from tinnitus.

Some people describe tinnitus as high-pitched background noise, rushing water, hiss, steam, bells, and a non-relenting throbbing sound. This symptom may Klingeltöne ear in intensity. Tinnitus also seems to be too loud in quiet settings.

There are several possible causes ringing ear:

-EAR WAX: Excess wax construction can improve the ability to hear outside sounds and increase your ability to hear internal sounds better.

-EAR INFECTION: ear infections reduce your ability to noises heard, and you are more likely to hear ringing in the ear.

-High blood pressure: Can tinnitus symptoms more noticeable.

-stress: Stress is not an exact cause, but it can aggravate the symptoms.

-Food: Certain foods may trigger ringing in the ear. Food should be avoided are cheese, chocolate, wine and grain foods.

There are amazing ways to heal, ears ringing enormously beneficial for tinnitus patients. These are natural remedies that not only cure the symptoms, but can cure the root-cause of ringing in ear. Search for a permanent cure is much better than trying to mask the symptoms. I recommend beginning the search for a permanent solution now!


Don't wait another minute, get your ringing ear cure now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grace_Morris


Tinnitus Treatments - 6 Things You Can Do to Bring Relief From the Ringing in Your Ears!  


Have you ever had ringing in your ears?

Some of us have it for a short time and then has to move away and you know how annoying that was. Imagine all the time and unable to escape the ring - or can it amounts or hum in the ears. There are some tinnitus treatments, you can even order the ringing in the ears.

tinnitus is not really dangerous, is one of the most annoying conditions can suffer.

The constant noise in the ear can only have the drive you crazy, especially when it seems like it will never go. Although not all of these tips apply to everyone, they are worth dealing with to see if they can make a difference for you.

These things can help:

1) Some herbs can bring relief. These were people who support are: Ginkgo biloba, wild hyssop and rosemary. Always on the Council of Naturopathic Kundler or qualified providers, to ensure that there are no side effects if you do.

2) Clean your ears - Yes, earwax buildup can cause tinnitus problems.

3) chewing gum - may be a temporary relief as they can, if you are in higher elevations.

4) Check your blood pressure - High blood pressure was tinnitus.

5) Create white noise - this could be a fan, static on a radio, etc. This is particularly useful at night, when tinnitus, it is difficult to sleep, the white noise can mask to the sounds in your ears.

6) No loud noises - this seems too simple, but loud noises disturb the ears and prolonged exposure (such as iPods and MP3 players) can lead to hearing loss.

These are some of the things you can try for you. There are drugs, they can for the treatment. However, they tend to have undesirable side effects. Surgery may be an option, but it is usually the fact that not all desirable. There are other alternative tinnitus treatments that can help the ringing in the ears without the side effects that drive you crazy.


Tired of suffering from the terrible ringing, buzzing or humming in your ears? Stop tinnitus in it's tracks by using the method many have used to get permanent relief. Read the review here: Treatment for Tinnitus. Find out more about causes and free treatments from our tinnitus experts at this site: http://treatment-for-tinnitus.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diane_Declet


An Insight Into Tinnitus Cures and Causes  


As a tinnitus sufferer himself, with various tinnitus treatments, I understand how this condition can be problematic. A tinnitus cure is something that me and many others were looking for without much luck. Most people have an awareness of tinnitus, but few know why someone May develop the condition, and what, if anything, can be said about them.

tinnitus is often, if not always, limited to one ear. The sounds with which a tinnitus sufferer from the ear, which is why it ever experienced. Tinnitus is most commonly referred to as ringing in the ears, but can be made up of sums, hum or other similar sounds. The noise can be permanent or may come and go.

The constant noise, with which someone with tinnitus can be more than enough to cause problems. While it is possible to block or deflect the sounds are for limited periods, it is almost always worse by stress.

tinnitus is a generally a symptom of damage to the hearing nerves in the ear. This is a benign condition and will not cause more serious health complications. So, while the problems from a tinnitus sufferer can range from mild irritation to more extreme feelings, the condition behind it should not become something more damaging.

What concerns the treatment, medical science has not yet with a long-term cure for tinnitus. In fact, it's been shown that some drugs actually trigger symptoms of tinnitus. If you believe that this is the case you should consult your doctor for advice. A tinnitus cure is something that all of us who are suffering, they are looking for, but have yet to find the general medicine. This is the reason why cures for tinnitus, it's sometimes best to be more natural and holistic treatments for relief of symptoms.


Gavin Downing has spent several years looking into tinnitus cures, after suffering similar symptoms himself. Before you look any further take a look at the information he has put together on the availability of a tinnitus cure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gavin_Downing


Ringing in Ears - Allergies and Other Culprits  


You might be surprised that in the case of ringing in the ears, allergies is one of the most common causes. Although each person generally has a mild, unnoticeable ringing, people with hay fever and /or sinusitis could find itself with the painfully annoying condition known as "tinnitus".

How allergies can cause tinnitus

It was a long held view that even mucus and earwax contribute to ringing in the ears. For decades the best advice doctors could give tinnitus sufferers was "clean your ears and keep your sinuses clear." This was blocked because passages blocked up external sounds, therefore, strengthen the internal "buzz". Psychology

causes of tinnitus

Of course, when it comes to ringing in the ear, allergies are not the only factor. A handful of tinnitus patients May are their psychological state entirely. As already mentioned, each man has a slight ringing in the ears. What makes some tinnitus sufferers differently is that they concentrate and more obsessed about them, what they are actually far more aware of it.

Psychological ringing in the ears is closely associated with OCD and anxiety. In fact, anti-anxiety drugs are commonly prescribed for tinnitus sufferers in the hope to relax them enough to stop the ringing in the ears. New research shows that meditation, breathing exercises, and other more natural approaches to fear May, much more effective and safer.

tinnitus Science and Hearing Loss

hearing loss, as we age. As a result of external sounds are weaker over the years, the internal ringing sounds become more apparent. This is the reason why many tinnitus sufferers are over 60 people.

Cochlear Damage

Recent media campaigns have been of great importance to the tinnitus through long-term exposure to loud music. In this iPod age, this message is even more important. Cochlear damage caused by loud music is essentially the same as from hearing loss. Earplugs are a great preventative.


As you can see, when talking about ringing in ears, allergies are not the only culprit. Go to this Cures For Tinnitus website now for more excellent advice and product reviews.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Woodley_Ray


Best Treatment For Ringing in the Ears  


There is usually no scientific consensus about what is the best treatment for ringing in the ears. This is mainly because the condition, known medically as "tinnitus", has multiple causes and varying degrees of severity. Recent studies have linked stress, long-term exposure to loud noise, and even allergies to these chronic, often debilitating disease. Despite that there is no specific cure, there are a number of tinnitus treatments available, many of which can mask the symptoms by up to 80%.

tinnitus impact millions of people in the U.S. and abroad. Mild ringing in the ears is often associated with sinus problems or stress. The best treatment for ringing in the ears in this case is allergen-reduction and /or mediation. By addressing the underlying cause of the tinnitus, you can simply and effectively alleviate the symptoms.

Although fear and allergen reduction generally help with mild tinnitus, it is important to understand that the most common cause of ringing ears is cochlear damage. This is usually caused by excessive noise over a long period. This is why we see a lot of "wear earplugs" advertising on the TV screen. Cochlear damage usually is the most severe ringing in the ears, sometimes enough to the people in the suicide.

treatments for tinnitus are just great, with only a handful of techniques will be backed up by science. Although it is easy to find a heap of herbal "cure" on the Internet, most of the time they are ineffective and expensive.

It pays off to determine best treatment options for tinnitus. Some of the most popular methods can be great noise reduction within 2 weeks.


To find out what the best treatment for ringing in the ears is, go to this Cures For Tinnitus website now for more excellent advice and product reviews.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Woodley_Ray


Tinnitus Treatment and Therapy - What Really Works?  


A lot of people have tinnitus.

I assume when you read, you either have it or someone that you do. I know a few people who have this annoying condition. If you do, you know first hand how bad it is. You May or May to know what causes tinnitus. Or if it is tinnitus therapy and treatment can be successful or even cured. Hopefully this article will be helpful and give you some good ideas.

How do you define tinnitus?

tinnitus comes from the ear as opposed to normal noises generated from outside the ear. One or both ears may be affected. People who suffer from tinnitus describe a ringing, humming or sums sound in the ear or ears. Remember the sound you hear when a shell up to your ear and you get the idea.

addition to the sounds from the ears, may have other symptoms.

You may have dizziness, that may even cause you to lose your balance. Other problems you can have headaches, ear pain and a feeling of fullness in your ear (like water in your ear). Not only are these annoying symptoms, but they can also disability. And the emotional and mental stress associated with it can not be excluded.

While annoying, tinnitus is not a serious illness.

It has no impact on your life, just save your life. It is very annoying and hard to live, especially if you have a severe headache like this. The resulting headaches are bad enough that some people were worried that they might have a brain tumor. Fortunately, brain tumors are not associated with tinnitus.

So, you can heal with tinnitus treatments or therapies?

There are certainly a lot of theories about them. There are some prescribed medications, temporary relief from symptoms. Some of the medications that a doctor can prescribe are alprazolam, anticonvulsant drugs or intravenous lidocaine. Unfortunately, it is only a temporary respite and may even cause side effects that are as bad as the symptoms of tinnitus.

For many people, the search for natural tinnitus treatments and therapies May, the best solution.

to find what natural remedies are effective is a much more attractive than the idea, based on their prescription drugs with potent side effects.


Tired of suffering from the terrible ringing, buzzing or humming in your ears? Stop tinnitus in it's tracks by using the method many have used to get permanent relief. Read the review here: Treatment for Tinnitus Find out more about causes and free treatments from our tinnitus experts at this site: http://treatment-for-tinnitus.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diane_Declet


Chronic Tinnitus Remedy - Fast and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Ringing Ears!  


need for a chronic tinnitus remedy? The only thing worse than an ear ache, his dealings with constant hissing? Ringing or buzzing? in your ear. This is a very troublesome disease and the search for an over-the-counter treatment to get rid of it is not a common thing. Tinnitus is harmless and goes unnoticed by non-sufferers? but it is disheartening for those who have them and they last May for the whole day. It may even within the night in a serious and chronic patients, causing symptoms of insomnia and other? major sleep disorders and nausea. It can also be a symptom of a serious illness.

Managing? the condition depends on the type and nature. The condition can change in two ways, objective or subjective tinnitus. It is considered to be objective, if the sums or ringing sounds heard by other people around the person suffering. On the other hand, it is as subjective, if only the sufferer or patient can hear the buzzing sound inside the ear -? the most common of them is subjective. Further,? Alternative all recommended chronic tinnitus remedy employed in the treatment of either version of this? Condition? should take place in conjunction with diet and lifestyle changes? more on this later.

The types of buzzing that occur, may differ from high to low-pitched tones. The cause of the ringing differs from person to person. This condition is usually by medical experts as a symptom of some imbalance in the body, while others may be that as a result of trauma to the neck or head, sinus infection, exposure to loud noise or tumors in the head. The inner ear contains microscopic nerve endings and trauma to them May to severe tinnitus. This is regarded as the most common cause of the condition.? The nerve damage can also result from aging and unusual exposure to loud music or noise. As with any condition, health, prevention is first and foremost and its up to us to treat our bodies good. Prevention of the condition requires that we not subject ourselves to the elements created, that the condition in the first place.

The condition? is sometimes referred to as tinnitis or tinitus and can be treated successfully. There is no particular or specific natural treatment for the condition, nor are there any known? prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines, to cure or eliminate it. If it then because of the trauma care is different than when it is due to exposure to loud noise or aging.? Cures get rid of or reduce the noise are usually natural with little or no side effects. Relief from the ringing May not me! Instant? However, treatment should be sooner rather than later.? There are many techniques, treatments, products, herbs and herbal remedies on the basis that all claim to natural remedies to prevent, stop, control, reduce and relieve the conditions.? Here are a few tips and natural remedies, which are known to be successful in reducing noise and the provision of emergency.

Chronic tinnitus remedy - cures and tips to get rid of the ear ringing:

  • ? Refrain from total silence, try it with a music player with your favorite music, especially one with headphones to look at the ring.

  • ? Keep your ears cleaned. Excess wax can help build the totals in the ears. It is recommended to clean that your ear canal once a week.

  • ? Stay away from loud noises. Exposure to loud sounds can really affect your hearing.

  • ? Use ear plugs as a relief from the ringing.

  • ? Patients should avoid dairy products, alcohol, food with high fat content,? high sugar, salt and high. All these elements provide the framework for the condition to thrive.

Natural treatments and additions to the treatment and prevention.

  • ? Wild Oats

  • ? Ginkgo Biloba - if it directly, it is a potent remedy chronic tinnitus.

  • ? Wild hyssop

  • ? Vitamin B complex, vitamin A? and choline.

These nutrients to improve the nerve and neurotransmitter functions. They improve blood circulation to the head to discharge the ringing. Eating fresh fruit and vegetables can also be a good source of vitamins and minerals essential that your body needs. Taking extra supplements such as multi-vitamins, Omega-3-fatty acids and drink chamomile tea can be instrumental in? Alleviate the symptoms.

Most of the information available for this food highlights different lifestyle changes that are made. Against this background? Conformity with the changes in the way of life, coupled with a few natural and homeopathic treatments you can get rid of this buzzing much faster. All told, chronic tinnitus is the best remedy is to take care of themselves and not to loud music or noise.


Need A cure For Tinnitus? Visit Karen's website to learn a 3-Step cure that effectively banishes tinnitus. SILENCE the ringing in 3 simple steps and cure tinnitus permanently. Karen is a health, fitness and family life writer, visit her site to discover effective chronic tinnitus remedy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Xavier


What You Should Know About Tinnitus and Xanax  


As we get older, it's customary that we have problems hearing of some kind or another. Hearing loss is often associated with a condition that is known as tinnitus. This is a problem that almost all experiences at a certain time or another, and it produces a whistling, ringing or pop sound in our ears, if there is no solid outside existing ones. Although there are a number of different ways for you to deal with this situation, one of the most successful way is through the use of Xanax. Here is a little information about Xanax and tinnitus, and whether it is right for you.

Firstly, the Xanax Tinnitus is not a drug. It is a prescription medication that is okay to help people who have a problem with anxiety or depression. Somewhere along the line, however, someone discovered that the Xanax really helped them with their tinnitus. Since that time, it is more common for doctors to prescribe these anti-depression medication ear to this problem. Although it is certainly possible, it can help you with your tinnitus problems, it may also cause some other problems, the more undesirable.

Xanax, like almost every other type of prescription drugs will lead to some negative side effects in some people. Even though it might help us to get rid of our problems tinnitus, it can cause additional problems that we simply are unable to deal with. Therefore, it is not always for everyone and at times, people find that they would much rather with occasional ear problems than put up with the side effects of taking this prescription medication. If you find that you have a difficult time with Xanax, make sure you talk to your doctor about the problem quickly.

Another reason could Xanax for tinnitus, because this ear condition can be stressful and it certainly does not cause stress in many of us. If this is the case in your situation, they can help take care of both problems at once. Of course there are other ways of treatment of tinnitus, some of which are very good for you. Talk to your doctor about other options and see if he still believes that Xanax is the right way to go.


If you're a victim of Tinnitus or ear ringing, there are many treatment options available to you - from holistic treatments to medicinal options. Visit http://www.curetinnitusnow.info and learn more about how to manage Tinnitus today and take back control of your life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kristiana_Jones


The Cause of Tinnitus - How Do I Stop the Ringing in My Ears  


The cause of the tinnitus, or more frequently called buzzing or ringing of the ears is probably not too difficult to find.

No. They are not crazy, and it is not just that you hear what other people do not seem to hear. In fact, you are one of millions that they experience.

people really describe it in several ways, the reality is that you know it when you have it, and you just want the noise to stop. It is annoying and can drive you Batty and no pillow over your head, ear plugs, sing or hear the sound.

There are different degrees of the band, which felt slightly too loud. What is the cause of tinnitus? There are many possibilities, it could have been caused. How to work around noise, close to an explosion, trauma, injury, accident, headphones too loud for too long, people with severe sinus issues, various diseases, and the list goes on.

Then think about what event or circumstance you were in this May, causes or is triggered. Not think it will come to you. If you can not think of it only later let it go until May, and it come to you faster. If you want to find out the cause back only when it is launched. The very first time you remember hearing the annoying sound. That is easy for me because I worked on jets. Only after I started, I could hear ringing in my ears. For you it is different. It takes only a few minutes and go back when it started, t, or at least the first time you noticed.

There are good solid opportunities to liberate yourself from this annoying noises that are quite safe. Of course you do not want any risks. Why let them go on more then you have to. My proposal is to deal with natural treatment. To reduce the risk of side effects that are really not necessary. and eliminate the cause of tinnitus.


Here are 11 Ways To Cure Tinnitus that you can tap into right now and get your life back.


Gods Blessings, Anthony

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_Kollar