Causes of Tinnitus - 3 Main Problem Areas
0 commentsMillions of people suffer from some form of tinnitus but what causes this condition? It may be difficult to locate an exact cause of tinnitus, but there are several things that can be a factor or a contribution to this state. The most common cause of tinnitus is ear damage. This may be due to an injury, infection or other medical condition.
When the tiny hairs that are in your inner ear damage can cause tinnitus. This hair will move when they come into contact with sound waves. This application replaces the ear cells to send an electrical signal through the auditory nerve to your brain, then as the sounds. If these hairs are damaged they happen to send electrical impulses to the brain caused tinnitus.
health problems associated with one of the following scenarios may also cause or increase the risk that tinnitus:
- Hearing loss due to ageing.
- changes that occur in the ear bones usually by otosclerosis.
- A ebermaige amount of earwax build-up.
- head or neck injuries.
- Meniere's disease is one of the inner ear disease.
- acoustic neuroma is a non-cancerous tumor develops, that the cranial nerves from the brain to the inner ear. This condition affects balance, hearing, and may cause tinnitus.
- muscle cramps
- TMJ, TMJ syndrome
Some people believe that stress and depression causes tinnitus but many doctors do not agree. It is assumed that the tinnitus causes a person to be stressed and depressed, even if those conditions can help tinnitus and the symptoms worse.
There is even a variety of drugs, with tinnitus as the following:
- Certain cancer drugs
- certain antibiotics
- high quantities of aspirin
- diuretics
- quinine drugs
Pulsatile tinnitus is the kind that causes the person to hear the sounds pulsate in time with your heartbeat. These sounds may or intermittent continuous.
The following conditions can cause pulsatile tinnitus:
- High blood pressure caused by high blood pressure, stress, caffeine, and so on.
- atherosclerosis due to ageing or cholesterol build-up.
- tumours in the head or neck.
- malformation of capillaries, between the arteries and veins.
- Any condition that can lead to an unstable blood flow.
Chronic and health conditions loud noises can also be a cause of tinnitus. Any kind of loud noise can damage your ears, especially if you are exposed to this noise on a regelmaigen basis. For this reason, it is recommended you wear earplugs if you work around machinery or spend much time on the list of loud music. Short-term exposure can cause temporary problems, but long-term exposure to loud noise can damage.
Taking permanent care of your health can contribute to the risk to get tinnitus. Avoid loud noises, food, exercise regularly and protect your hearing at all times. Wear a helmet while driving a motorcycle or in activities that add up to a head or neck pain. You can lower your risks of getting tinnitus by good care of your ears and your entire health.
For more information about tinnitus and how to treat it download this FREE 130 page book on surviving tinnitus by Ellen Currie entitled Ellen's free tinnitus book and self help survival guide.
If you need to relieve your tinnitus, homeopathic remedies have proved the best treatment to relieve tinnitus.
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