depression and tinnitus often go together for those who find that constant nagging, ringing in the ears. Actually, the word "tinnitus" means "ring" in Latin. However, in all languages is clearly the misery!
Is tinnitus a disease, condition, or symptom?
Tinnitus is often described as a disease, but not everyone thinks it is a disease. Many experts believe it is more a symptom of some other underlying problem. It really makes no difference whether it is a symptom of a condition or disease, for those who suffer from it. For those who have them, it's just scared!
People can call it what they want, but I'm going to call tinnitus, a condition. Why? Because it is a condition that creates the ringing, screeching noises, and even spilled into the ears of those they have. The noise in the ears may even be strong enough to keep a person awake at night. This noise and a lack of sleep is enough to cause everyone to get depressed.
Do I have no other choice than to accept, depression and tinnitus?
nobody I can blame the press because of this miserable condition, but I have good news for you. The good news is that you will not be depressed about your tinnitus, not because they stuck with him for the rest of your life!
Some people ask: "Does tinnitus cause depression or even lead to depression, the tinnitus?" I like this question. Why? Because it concludes that people who have tinnitus, because they have some psychological problem. People who have to suffer from a very real condition does not put that on them. You need to find a way to find a lot and /or get rid of their tinnitus.
I think the above question rubs me the wrong way, because I have doctors asking me, 'Are you happy at home. How is your relationship with your wife? " If I new I had a real physical condition. All I wanted to know is, what it was and how to get rid of it.
Ah, the way studies have shown that not cause depression, tinnitus. Tinnitus, and was for many people who have found the right approach, be eliminated.
different approaches to tinnitus - what works?
There are a lot of different approaches to depression and tinnitus, and no matter what the cause, it's the cure that you are interested in. Right?
Some doctors try to sleep depravation caused by the excessive noise in the ears. They do this by prescribing a tricyclic antidepressant to help sleep. No, this is not the medication for depression used in this case, but just to raise the quality of sleep. This approach can help some people to sleep (it did not help me), but what about the tinnitus?
I do not think this approach helps, depression and tinnitus much, if at all.
Other specialists focus on relaxation techniques, counseling, advice and help others in an effort to patients who live with tinnitus. One of its methods is called TRT, which is short for the tinnitus retraining therapy. The idea is to train themselves to ignore the noise in the ears. This approach is not a cure for tinnitus, but is an attempt to divert attention from the tinnitus so that not bother you so much. I've never tried this, but there is no evidence that this work for the long term.
None of the above approaches to solve the Depression and tinnitus. I do not know how to do it for you, but I prefer an approach that effectively relieve the wretched noise in my ears, and thus the depression is:
For more information on what you can do about your tinnitus, go to this Depression And Tinnitus page. Or, if you want a complete solution to your tinnitus problem, go to Banish Tinnitus! now!
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