Causes of Tinnitus - Protect Your Ears - How Loud is Loud?
0 commentsOne of the main causes of tinnitus (any kind of noise in the ear (s)) is a chronic exposure to loud noises.? Many people do not protect their ears and they take it for granted.? They apply to the ears, the high volume, such as listening to their MP3 devices, concerts, and stood in front of large speakers, rock, loud in environments where there is noise. The list goes on and on. It's a pretty safe bet that it is their inner ear damage and end up with tinnitus.
Do you know how loud is loud? Here is a list of the noise level is measured in decibels (measuring the intensity of the sound):
No sound: 0dB
Whisper: 30dB
Normal conversation :60-70dB
city street noise: 90dB
subway /metro Railway train: 95dB
Newspaper Printing Press: 95dB
continual exposure, hearing loss in :90-95dB
snowmobile, motorcycle: 100dB
Textile Rooms: 103dB
Power Mowers: 107dB Power saw
: 110dB
Sandblasting, Loud Rock Concert: Pain begins 115dB
: 125dB
Air Drill: 125dB
jet engine firing at 100 yards, pistol: 140dB
Fireworks: 125dB-155dB
tissue destruction Hearing: 180dB
loudest sound: 194dB
Guess where fall of MP3 devices? Since you want it to listen to the music against the background noise of the city /bus /train level (90-95dB), you would most likely put you over 20dB when compared to the approximately 110 dB is here! Note that this value, which is 95dB over the 90-acceptable level.
Pair this with ear buds, goes directly into the ear canal can cause serious hearing problems.? There are debates between the in-ear buds compared with the headphones would be in relation to the one causing the most damage.? In any case, if the volume is high enough, both will not damage your ears. MP3 players now very quickly become one of the main causes of tinnitus.
It is ashamed that young people not heeding these warnings, while they continue blast their ears with their MP3 devices. In my case, as a former DJ, that is the cause of my tinnitus. I have tinnitus in my left ear, because that was the ear I have for the monitoring of the mixes.? Protect your ears by the volume and wearing earplugs.
To discover the other various causes of tinnitus and natural treatments visit
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